
The privacy protection policy
Thanks for your visiting,the website which is fully controlled by Dalian Kaiser Construction Co,.Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as we).The regulations below relate to visitors to our website. We would request all visitors to our web site to please use our website in accordance with our regulations and policies.
1、Private information collection
The information in our web site is protected by copyright law. Copying and any unauthorized used of the website content is strictly prohibited.
2、Private information management
We have designated a special person to manage all private and confidential information. Our staff is especially trained in how to handle you private and confidential information.
In addition,we have established a security policy and measures to prevent illegal and unauthorized access to private and confidential information. The personal and private information you provide to our company on this website is 100% secure, guaranteed.
3、The use of private information
The private information we collected are used for legitimate purpose .
4、Private information transfer
The private and confidential information you provide will never be transferred to a third (3rd.) party except with your written authorization. With the except that we are required to make information public in accordance with the laws of the PRC.,we will never reveal your information without your authorization.
Otherwise,the laws of the PRC will always prevail and supersede the policies of this company.
5、Private information open and modification
All partied that have provided Kaiser Construction Co. with information, will have the right to modify that information in accordance with the laws and regulation of the PRC.
6、modify again
As the laws of the PRC may be modified as it applies to private and confidential information, then it will be the companies responsibility to modify our policies and regulations to reflect changes in current laws.
7、About the link's private information protection
We are not responsible for the private information,that you have provided to other websites, enterprises or private parties,whose link is presented on our website.
8、About HTTP cookie
HTTP cookies are used by the website owner to recognize visitors, as many websites it is sent to the visitor's computer and recorded in the harddisk. If a visitor visits our website again,they may possibly obtain some special information by us. It can make a visit to our website more convenient and comfortable.
If it is the wish of a visitor, they can change their computer settings, to not allow our cookie to be place on their computer. In this event the visitor's experience on our website may be limited on some pages.
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