
Jowat Pinghu Project was successfully handed over today.


Thanks to the trust and support of the owner of Jowat. The project was successfully handed over today. Recognization and support from Jowat for the past year is highly appreciated. Kaiser will continue to provide customers with better service!

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天峻县| 南投市| 海伦市| 桃园市| 资源县| 东方市| 三河市| 鹤峰县| 元谋县| 正安县| 高要市| 兴安县| 大冶市| 柳州市| 手游| 平顶山市| 科尔| 永嘉县| 西充县| 古交市| 白水县| 怀来县| 新建县| 文登市| 卫辉市| 漳浦县| 屯留县| 云浮市| 河间市| 东明县| 镇康县| 科尔| 奈曼旗| 木兰县| 盐边县| 垫江县| 淮阳县| 长治市| 确山县| 喀什市| 延津县|